About Us
Cristina T. Cerdeiral
Doctor in Science (D.Sc.) and Master in Science (M.Sc.) in Software Engineering by COPPE/UFRJ in Software Process Improvement and Software Quality areas, bachelor in Computer Science by UFRJ, Sun Certified Associate for Java Platform, Certified ScrumMaster, Brazilian maturity model MPS.BR accredited consultant and lead appraiser for software and service process improvement and member of Implementum consulting team.
My main focus is on software process improvement initiatives and product/process quality, including capability maturity models like CMMI and MPS-SW and SV and Agile methodologies like Scrum and eXtreme Programming (XP). I provide training and consulting for companies in their continuous software process improvement programs assisting in achieving its improvement goals as meeting some maturity level of MPS.BR and/or CMMI maturity models. I participate in official MPS.BR and/or CMMI appraisals to verify the processes maturity of some organizations. I have taught disciplines in software processes improvements for some UFRJ graduate classes.
In addition, I have experience with project management, architecture, analysis and design and object-oriented development using Java and UML and its underlying technologies. I provide consulting and training in software development using Java technologies and related frameworks, UML, requirements engineering and other areas of software engineering, having taught for undergraduate, master and doctorate students of UFRJ and professionals from the market since 2004.
Peter P. Lupo
Software Engineer at Petrobras, the largest oil company in Latin America, Software Engineering M.Sc. Student at COPPE/UFRJ (Software Process/Quality), bachelor in Computer Science at UFRJ, Sun Certified Associate for Java Platform, Certified ScrumMaster, accredited consultant for implementing and appraising software engineering processes according to the MPS.BR model (a Brazilian equivalent to CMMI), member of COPPE/UFRJ consulting team and Implementum consulting team.
I have experience as system architect, requirements analyst, Java developer, technical leader and manager on several projects based on Java SE and EE technologies and also working on software process improvement (SPI) initiatives based on capability maturity models such as CMMI and MPS.BR and Agile methodologies such as Scrum and eXtreme Programming (XP) on both the academy and industry (on startups, small to large private organizations) and public sector with customized software, products and SAAS.
Through measurement and analysis to analyze software process performances, and by employing scientific approaches to research solutions I’ve been able to meet organizational and development teams’ goals while working on continuous software process improvement where I found my skills as system architect, requirements analyst and java developer to be much useful to understand performance issues and promote changes that ultimately lead to more process and product quality.
I also provide consulting and training on several software engineering topics such as process and product quality, requirements engineering, UML, Object-Orientation and latest Java SE and Java EE technologies supported by popular frameworks and tools.
I have a blog in portuguese called Craft Nicely (http://craftnicely.pplupo.com/) about software quality, process and methodologies, design, best practices, etc.
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